Thank You, for Today

His face was slightly covered in a worn hat, his skin was dark and the way he walked was not perfect. The sharp strokes of his face revealed 80 years of age. Old Man, who is supposed to rest at home, enjoys hot tea while joking with his dear grandchildren. Ah, that seems like my dream. This old man is different, he stands in front of the gate of my house and says repeatedly: “Excuse me sir … Excuse me”.

I approached him.

—- Old man: “Sorry, don’t be angry, Ms, can I ask you for 2 thousand (Idr 2,000)?”

—- Me: “Yes sir, come in first.”

I returned with drinking water for him. He refused to sit on the chair, he chose to sit on the floor of the terrace, and I was forced to stand.

—- Old Man: “Sorry, I don’t have a job yet.”

—- Me: “Usually what your job?”

—- Old Man: “Building work, ms.”

Oh Allah, he is old with this with rheumatic diseases that made him walk imperfectly, he still works for life. From Jember to Bali, there is a great need for intention. I was lucky I could listen him telling his stories. I am lucky, God gave me a pinch to always be grateful. HE reminded me with sending the Old Man, because I had forgotten to be grateful. And I’m lucky to be given a way to do small things for other. Thank you, Alloh, for today. #

Bahasa Indonesia

Mukanya sedikit tertutup topi yang lusuh & usang, kulitnya gelap dan cara berjalannya tidak sempurna.  Guratan-guratan tajam mukanya menampakkan umurnya 80 tahuan.  Pak Tua, yang sudah seharusnya beristirahat di rumah, menikmati teh hangat sambil bercanda dengan cucu-cucu tersayang.  Ah, itu sepertinya impian saya saja.  Pak Tua yang ini beda, dia berdiri di depan gerbang rumah saya sambil berulang-ulang berkata : “ Permisi Pak… Permisi.”

Aku pun mendekatinya.

—-Pak Tua : “Maaf, jangan marah ya mbak, apakah boleh saya meminta uang 2 ribu?”

—-Saya : “Ya Pak, masuk dulu.”

Saya kembali dengan air minum untuk Pak Tua. Dia menolak untuk duduk di kursi, dia memilih duduk di lantai teras rumah, dan saya pun terpaksa berdiri.

—-Pak Tua : “Maaf, saya belum ada pekerjaan.”

—-Saya : “Biasanya kerja apa, Pak?”

—-Pak Tua : “Kerja bangunan, mbak.”

Ya Alloh, setua ini dengan penyakit rematik yang membuatnya berjalan tidak sempurna, dia masih bekerja, mencari nafkah untuk hidup.  Dari Jember merantau ke Bali, diperlukan niat yang besar.  Saya beruntung bisa mendengarkan Pak Tua ini bercerita.  Saya beruntung, Tuhan memberi saya sentilan untuk selalu bersyukur.  DIA mengingatkan saya melalui Pak Tua itu, karena saya telah lupa bersyukur.  Dan saya beruntung dikasih jalan untuk melakukan hal kecil untuk orang lain. Terima kasih ya Alloh, untuk hari ini.#.


4 thoughts on “Thank You, for Today

    And, of this fact, a “TIP” of Hat
    Ms. Qonstant Lee REMAINS … “JUST / THAT”

    ALWAYS a BEACON, Thank YOU !

    Liked by 1 person

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