

Recipes Cuanki

250 grams of meat mackerel are already in puree
125 grams of corn starch / tapioca
150 grams of chayote, finely grated
2 egg whites
2 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon flavoring .. (if like / optional)
1/2 teaspoon sugar

How to make:
Mix all ingredients except the tapioca flour, knead until smooth and in banting2 soft dough (or use a food processor easier. Add the tapioca flour, stir well, do not knead again. Divide the dough into 3 parts, one part in the form of bulat2, one part in fill to know puitih oblique, then steamed both Selema 30 min. rest in fried langung with skin pangsit..kayak make fried dumplings yesterday.
Prepare 10 pieces of special fried dumpling skin. Take the skin dumplings, dumplings filled with taste, shape according to taste. Repeat until the dough runs out. Fried in hot oil and submerged until cooked and crispy outer skin, then potong2. Serve the 3 kinds of dumplings with sauce and a sprinkling of fried onions and chopped celery. If I had I also added lettuce soup dumplings.

1000 ml chicken broth
3 cloves of garlic fries, crushed
2 stalks sledri, belt intact
Salt / chicken broth powder, pepper and sugar to taste.
Fried onions seckupnya
Sledri sliced ​​scallions and taste for sprinkling
Lettuce taste

How to make:
Cook the chicken broth to a boil and bumbu2. Serve with a variety of dumplings, scallion and sledri, and a wedge of lettuce. Serve warm with soy sauce and chili.

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Resep Cuanki

Bahan :
250 gram daging ikan tenggiri yang sudah di haluskan
125 gram tepung sagu / tapioka
150 gram labu siam, parut halus
2 putih telur
2 siung bawang putih
1 sendok teh garam
1/4 sendok teh penyedap..( jika suka / optional )
1/2 sendok teh gula pasir

Cara membuat :
Campur semua bahan kecuali tepung tapioka, uleni rata dan di banting2 hingga adonan lembut ( atau pakai food processor lebih mudah. Tambahkan tepung tapioka, aduk rata, jangan di uleni lagi. Bagi adonan jadi 3 bagian, satu bagian di bentuk bulat2, satu bagian di isikan ke tahu puitih serong, lalu kukus keduanya selema 30 menit. Sisanya di goreng langung dengan kulit pangsit..kayak bikin siomay goreng kemaren.
Siapkan 10 buah kulit pangsit khusus goreng. Ambil kulit pangsit, isi dengan siomay secukupnya, bentuk sesuai selera. Lakukan hingga adonan habis. Goreng di minyak panas dan terendam hingga matang dan kulit luarnya renyah, lalu potong2. Sajikan 3 macam siomay tersebut dengan kuah dan taburan bawang merah goreng serta seledri cincang. Kalau aku aku tambah juga selada juga..kayak di siomay kuah Sriboga..enak..dan tambah seger.

Kuah :
1000 ml kaldu ayam
3 siung bawang putih goreng, memarkan
2 batang daun sledri , ikat utuh
Garam / kaldu ayam bubuk, merica dan gula pasir secukupnya.
Bawang goreng seckupnya
Daun bawang dan sledri iris secukupnya untuk taburan
Daun selada secukupnya

Cara membuat :
Masak kaldu ayam dan bumbu2 sampai mendidih. Sajikan dengan aneka siomay, daun bawang dan sledri, serta irisan daun selada. Sajikan hangat dengan kecap dan sambal rawit..seger…

The Simplicity of Tahu Gejrot


Tahu Gejrot is a spicy tofu dish food from Cirebon, a port town in West Java, Indonesia. Tahu gejrot consists of tahu pong, a type of hollow tahu goreng (fried tofu) cut into small pieces. It is served with a thin and watery dressing that is made by blending palm sugar, vinegar and sweet soy sauce. It is usually served in a small earthenware bowl or layah, with ground garlic, pounded shallot and hot bird’s eye chili cut into pieces to add spiciness.  Currently out gejrot has spread throughout Indonesia such as Jakarta, Malang, Depok, Surabaya and some places in other big cities in Indonesia.

How to Make Tofu Gejrot

How to make tofu gejrot begins by setting out tahu/ tofu sumedang and wading out into the lukewarm water and add a teaspoon of fine salt for about 20 minutes.

– After the know-soaked, fried tofu until cooked, then remove and drain.

– The next step is to make a sauce out gejrot.

– The trick, crushed garlic, red chili, cayenne pepper, red onion, green chili, brown sugar, and salt, and then enter the acidic water, water and soy sauce, then stir well, and cook until boiling, then remove and set aside .

– After that, place the fried tofu on a serving plate, pour the sauce, then sprinkle with fried onions on it.

– The manufacturing is still very traditionally made out gejrot has a distinctive flavor, so it is not a matter of surprise if these foods are popular in areas in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Bandung, Depok, Malang and Surabaya.

The Seller Tahu Gejrot

The Sellers  know this gejrot can consist of among women and men. Typically the seller of men using a pole to carry his wares, while the use of winnowing that carried over the head for women sellers. The merchants know gejrot very easily found mainly around the city of Cirebon and also some other areas in Indonesia because it includes snacks are quite popular. #

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Nasi Liwet

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Nasi liwet is a succulent rice dish cooked in coconut milk, chicken broth and spices, from Solo, Central Java, Indonesia.[1] Common steamed rice is usually cooked in water, but nasi liwet is rice cooked in coconut milk, chicken broth, salam leaves and lemongrass, thus giving the rice a rich, aromatic and succulent taste.[2] Nasi liwet is a traditional Javanese way of cooking rice in coconut milk.


Nasi liwet is topped with a slice of omelette, shredded chicken that had also been cooked in coconut milk and a spoonful of a thick aromatic coconut cream called kumut.[1] Served alongside nasi liwet is opor ayam (a delicate chicken in a mild white coconut milk based sauce scented with galangal and lime leaves), telur pindang (eggs boiled slowly with spices), tempeh and labu siam (chayote) as the vegetable.[2]

Traditionally, the pan used for cooking was made of clay. The taste and aroma is generally better if it is cooked on a wood fire, but different regions have different ways of preparing it. Traditionally, it is served on a banana leaf or teak leaf. Frequently, people prefer teak leaves to plates, because of the natural fragrance of the leaf. Nasi liwet complements (side dishes) always consist of coconut milk.

Popularity and variants

In Solo, nasi liwet is usually eaten for breakfast, but also a popular choice for lunch or supper. In Keprabon subdistrict, Surakarta, nasi liwet is only served for supper at the nighttime. Similar rice-coconut milk dishes can be found in other parts of Indonesia, such as nasi uduk Betawi, nasi gurih Aceh, and neighboring nasi lemak from Malaysia.# (

Nasi Liwet Sunda

Sundanese Nasi liwet is very tasty and savory with herbs typical spices and coconut milk, then served with Tofu and Tempe, etc. (complete). This recipe is definitely recommended if you are in a state really hungry and need food that can make your stomach full.
If you eat these foods, I am sure you will be satisfied stomach for a few hours, at least 4 hours you will not be hungry. So you do not need to eat more snacks or light meals to fill your stomach as a booster, the food is very healthy while the recipe and how to make rice liwet enough or relatively easy

Materials and main seasoning

1 Liter Rice fluffier (cianjur if any)
6 cloves garlic
2 stems, leaves little crushed Lemongrass
5 bay leaves
sugar – a little

The procedure for making rice liwet complete:

– First, the rice washed thoroughly
– Peel the garlic, and fry until fragrant dried and then drain.
– Add rice and water into the Rice Cooker (water rather many little different from ordinary cooking rice).
– Enter the fried garlic, lemongrass leaves, bay leaves, sugar, and salt into the Rice Cooker.
– Wait until cooked
– Include an anchovy as enhancer favors.

Nasi Liwet usually served if there were gatherings of family and who has become a tradition usually when the new year, in addition to corn and satay.#

Tutut : “Suck It Deep & Long”

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Pila ampullacea, is a species of freshwater snail with an operculum, an aquatic gastropod mollusk in the family Ampullariidae, the apple snails Tutut or Pila ampullacea is a kind of water snails, very easily found in the fresh waters of Asia, such as in the fields, ditch flow, as well as the lake. This aquatic animals also known as Keong Gondang, Snails Rice, Water Snails but most people, especially the Sundanese (in Indonesia) are more familiar with this water snail as Tutut. As members of other Ampullariidae, Tutut also have operculum (sort of cover / protector soft body when hide themselves inside the shell). Farmers in the village used to take Tutut after harvest, because at the moment it is not obstructed by mud paddy rice plants to facilitate uptake.

Tutut are widely consumed widely in different regions of Southeast Asia. In addition to good taste and savory, Tutut also contains high protein, but fat or cholesterol is low. Tutut composed of 15% protein, 2.4% fat, and about 80% water. In addition, 75 percent of fat in the Tutut body is Unsaturated Fatty Acids or good fat and body needs. Due to the high content of nutrients in it, Tutut could be an alternative source of animal protein meat substitute and as an alternative to high-protein foods are low in fat. As we know, that the protein is very useful for human metabolism. In addition to protein, Tutut also contains a lot of vitamins. Including vitamin A, E, niacin and folate. So it is not wrong if this Tutut many properties, vitamin A for the eyes, vitamin E for skin cell regeneration and beauty, while Niacin plays a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates to produce energy and Folate is good for pregnant women so that their babies do not have disabilities.

Because of relatively high nutrient content in Tutut’s body, Tutut also be used as a cure for liver disease / yellow, ulcer disease and as an appetite enhancer. So it is very suitable for children who are hard to eat. However, we must be vigilant, because Tutut is the host of some parasitic diseases. Why? Tutut taken from near the rice fields, so Tutut also can save the remnants of pesticides in their bodies. Tutut also frequently reported infected with worms trematodes or flukes commonly called Suck. But do not worry, because these worms will die when cooked in 600 ml of water over high heat for 20 minutes. So it is highly recommended for boiling Tutut over high heat until boiling (not just warm) for at least 30 minutes. Thus, we can enjoy this nutritious in Tutut without fear of diseases that can be caused.

Tutut usually cooked by boiling with spices are a little spicy. Before cooking Tutut usually cut a little at the end of the spiral cone. This is done to help us when sucking the meat. By way of sucking, Tutut meat can go out and directly into the mouth. It’s better if Tutut soaked first one night so it will be clean before cooking and also that sludge can land out of the shell. Tutut is perfect served hot and eaten hot-cold rainy season like this (the rainy season in Indonesia).

The taste of meat Tutut not much different from the mussel meat, meat Tutut little more supple. Economically, Tutut price is also cheaper than scallops, beef or chicken. But the nutrients and benefits can not be ignored.

“Slurrrpp …”

That’s about the noise when we suck Tutut by mouth. How to eat Tutut is fun and unique. Tutut savory flavors and savory, Taste Tutut make us addicted, want more and more. EnjoyingTututcan not get outof the way to eat it. How?? Suckedbymouth. Suckingina deep and long. Butif we shy to do that, we can pick it by using a toothpick, without skipping the delights of Tutut.

Slruuup … Delicious!#