Thank You, for Today

His face was slightly covered in a worn hat, his skin was dark and the way he walked was not perfect. The sharp strokes of his face revealed 80 years of age. Old Man, who is supposed to rest at home, enjoys hot tea while joking with his dear grandchildren. Ah, that seems like my dream. This old man is different, he stands in front of the gate of my house and says repeatedly: “Excuse me sir … Excuse me”.

I approached him.

—- Old man: “Sorry, don’t be angry, Ms, can I ask you for 2 thousand (Idr 2,000)?”

—- Me: “Yes sir, come in first.”

I returned with drinking water for him. He refused to sit on the chair, he chose to sit on the floor of the terrace, and I was forced to stand.

—- Old Man: “Sorry, I don’t have a job yet.”

—- Me: “Usually what your job?”

—- Old Man: “Building work, ms.”

Oh Allah, he is old with this with rheumatic diseases that made him walk imperfectly, he still works for life. From Jember to Bali, there is a great need for intention. I was lucky I could listen him telling his stories. I am lucky, God gave me a pinch to always be grateful. HE reminded me with sending the Old Man, because I had forgotten to be grateful. And I’m lucky to be given a way to do small things for other. Thank you, Alloh, for today. #

Bahasa Indonesia

Mukanya sedikit tertutup topi yang lusuh & usang, kulitnya gelap dan cara berjalannya tidak sempurna.  Guratan-guratan tajam mukanya menampakkan umurnya 80 tahuan.  Pak Tua, yang sudah seharusnya beristirahat di rumah, menikmati teh hangat sambil bercanda dengan cucu-cucu tersayang.  Ah, itu sepertinya impian saya saja.  Pak Tua yang ini beda, dia berdiri di depan gerbang rumah saya sambil berulang-ulang berkata : “ Permisi Pak… Permisi.”

Aku pun mendekatinya.

—-Pak Tua : “Maaf, jangan marah ya mbak, apakah boleh saya meminta uang 2 ribu?”

—-Saya : “Ya Pak, masuk dulu.”

Saya kembali dengan air minum untuk Pak Tua. Dia menolak untuk duduk di kursi, dia memilih duduk di lantai teras rumah, dan saya pun terpaksa berdiri.

—-Pak Tua : “Maaf, saya belum ada pekerjaan.”

—-Saya : “Biasanya kerja apa, Pak?”

—-Pak Tua : “Kerja bangunan, mbak.”

Ya Alloh, setua ini dengan penyakit rematik yang membuatnya berjalan tidak sempurna, dia masih bekerja, mencari nafkah untuk hidup.  Dari Jember merantau ke Bali, diperlukan niat yang besar.  Saya beruntung bisa mendengarkan Pak Tua ini bercerita.  Saya beruntung, Tuhan memberi saya sentilan untuk selalu bersyukur.  DIA mengingatkan saya melalui Pak Tua itu, karena saya telah lupa bersyukur.  Dan saya beruntung dikasih jalan untuk melakukan hal kecil untuk orang lain. Terima kasih ya Alloh, untuk hari ini.#.


Irhamnaa yaa Arhamar Raahimiin

Imagine you on the table. Expands helplessly. The buzz of prayers of young doctors, ready to mingle with the knives. Bleeding red blood, Flowing from your veins, Dark colors, Not lost in a flash.

I threw it all away, that bad thought. Abominable torture, For my mind, My blood tribulation for me. A cluster of helpless cups, Numbers bounce inevitably, Tears no longer useful, Humming unstoppable verses, As if I’m going to die today.

When I wanted to run, I turned frantically into the past. To remember, Vision is brief. But … Flood, Mountain erupts, Rain storms, hurricanes, Attacking sadistically. I am ashamed, “my suffering is meaningless”.

My defense should not be cracked, My strength should not be torn, I cultivate this guts, watered millions of love, Humans around me. I do not deserve to surrender, I am against the devil’s villain, Yang void the virtue, the blind knight against the pain.

Blister and stained, Mirror protective wall, Abstinence desperate, To survive, Survive without attacking. Istighfar, I admit Your pleasure, I Admit my Sins, Forgive Me, Irhamnaa yaa Arhamar Raahimiin. #.

A Piece of Prayer

grant me some of my fear to You,
who can lead me into your Heaven,
and a belief that can lighten me
in the face of worldly calamities.

give me pleasure with hearing,
sight and strength throughout my live,
and make it all that I can inherit,
and make it an antidote to those who persecute me,
and help me against those who oppose me.

And let not most of the world be my concern,
nor be part of my knowledge,
nor shall me be overwhelmed by those who do not love me.


Ya Allah,
Berikan aku beberapa ketakutanku pada-Mu,
yang bisa menuntunku ke surga-Mu,
dan keyakinan yang bisa meringankan aku
dalam menghadapi bencana duniawi.

Ya Tuhan,
beri aku kesenangan dengan pendengaran,
penglihatan dan kekuatan sepanjang hidupku,
dan membuat semua yang bisa aku warisi,
dan menjadikannya obat penawar bagi orang-orang yang menganiaya aku,
dan bantulah aku melawan orang-orang yang menentangku.

Dan jangan biarkan sebagian besar dunia menjadi perhatianku,
atau menjadi bagian dari pengetahuanku,
Aku juga tidak akan dikuasai oleh orang-orang yang tidak sayang kepadaku
Amin.# .

Be my Side

The pain that pierces you
A groan that I can not hear anymore
A complaint that sings my heart
Emotionally blowing up the soul

My rope loosen up
My mouth is silenced
Tears in tears
Unable to say a word
Accidentally my mouth I key
Avoid the dirty word piercing

I grip your finger
I feel the skin getting dry
I give you a smile
I looked your eyes
Should I give up
in this pebble?

I can not fight alone
Though there is a God with me
Get up …
Be aware
Walk by my side
Give your gratitude
just a little…

Let’s fight together.#.

Self Reminder to be grateful

Reconcile your heart
Reconcile the day
When someone around you makes the wound to you
Set your long breathing
Realize every flow of oxygen throughout your body
And be grateful
Today you are still breathing
From little things you are grateful
You have learned to appreciate more.
Dig & found
your own happiness

Smile to yourself#



My Kebaya for Eid Mubarak

When Lebaran/ Eid Muvarak come, my husband and I visited mother’s house in Salatiga (Central Java), Indonesia. My husband and I live in Bali. Celebrating Lebaran for a week, I need to be more efficient to choose clothes to carry, which is not difficult to carry, especially when my husband was in an unhealthy condition, he must use crutches to walk.

I was thinking oto bring 1 suitcase only for  two of us. My  idea was to bring clothes for myself  very simple:
– kebaya 3 pcs
– 1 pc saroong
– 1 pc skirt
– other are shorts and T-shirts for sleeping

When talking about kebaya sometimes that occurred in the head is a clothing that is not flexible to wear to various events. A formal model makes us feel kebaya is only suitable for use only.

But, as long as we know how to choose and mix-match,  we can use simple kebaya during Lebaran (Eid Mubarak).  Staying beautiful, polite, and not reducing the meaning of  Eid Mubarak.

These are my mix-match for Eid Mubarak 2017:

The first Day :

Go to the mosque & tomb:
Where father, grandmother, grandfather and grandmother are buried



2nd Day : Met Neighbors


3nd Day : Posterity Meeting




Sebuah Catatan tentang Hujan…

Bukanlah tidur nyenyakku, malam ini. Aku terbaring di tempat tidur dan menunggu lelapku membuat pening isi kepala. Pemadaman listrik yang terlalu sering terasa bumbu pening yang makin menjadi. Apakah ini sebuah keluhan? Badan yang tak sakit menjadi sakit.

Beberapa saat kemudian, aku bisa merasakan wajahku dibelai angin sepoi-sepoi. Dahi berkeringatku akhirnya merasa menemukan hiburan. Aku meringis saat merasakan beberapa tetesan di wajahku dan membuka mataku hanya untuk menyadari bahwa di luar sedang hujan. Tetesan kecil itu melambung ke wajahku setelah menabrak kereiku. Dengan mata terbelalak, masih bermalas-malasan, kulihat garis-garis penerangan menerangi kerei dan aku membiarkan wajahku mengambil semua tumpahan tetesan.

“Hujan yang tak terhenti di semua musim” gumamku

Setiap tetes yang menabrak mukaku menunjukkan sebuah slide kenangan. Langit yang menderu, pencahayaan nan remang, kegelapan dan keheningan, kecuali suara huja, terlalu masyuk bagiku untuk mengingat semua kenangan indah…. ya yang indah itu. Setiap setetes pun membawaku ke jalur ingatanku.

Yang pertama membawaku ke masa kecilku dimana aku bisa berlari ke sana kemari, bermain dengan hujan. Aku suka hujan, saat itu.

Dan yang kedua terlalu cepat mengingatkanku pada masa mudaku, ketika kami berbagi payung, berjalan beriringan saat pulang sekolah. Kamu bukan milikku saat itu, tapi aku menaksirmu. Jatuh cinta untuknya sangat mudah, seperti hujan, tapi luka akibat jatuhnya membaurkanku dalam berbagai bentuk, aku tidak bisa mengumpulkan diri untuk berdiri sama sekali sebagai satu unit tetesan.

Dan yang ketiga, tetesan ini mengingatkan gerimis siang hari ketika calon suami bertandang. Alunan musik jazz dari Cafe Dago atas selalu membuat kami merindukan Bandung. Perlahan, aku mendapatkan kembali inderaku, melompat kembali ke masa lalu tidaklah semudah itu.

Menghidupkan kembali apa yang dulu terobsesi dan kemudian kembali ke kenyataan adalah bagian tersulit yang bisa dialami seseorang.

Namun tidak bagiku, karena saat ini dia ada bersamaku.#.

Unique Village “Penglipuran”, Bangli

Penglipuran Village – Bali is a very famous tourist attraction among tourists both local and foreign countries. However, many tourists who only know bali tourist attraction in the monotony of the beach and other natural attractions. Basically not only presents the tourist attractions of the beach or natural attractions that alone, but also cultural tourism and bali custom which is very thick and we should visit.  I was here with niece : Thursday, 27 April 2017, company her in her holiday 🙂

Penglipuran Village, indigenous village of Bali which is very thick with their harmony and togetherness. This village is located in village camp, bangli district, bangli-Bali district. This village has been awarded Kalpataru award.

Kalpataru Is Kalpataru is an award given to individuals or groups for their services in preserving the environment in Indonesia. Kalpataru itself is Sanskrit meaning tree of life (Kalpavriksha).# Wikipedia

Besides earning the Kalpataru award, Penglipuran Villagewas also designated as a tourist village by the bangli district government in 1995. Since then, the village has been increasingly visited by tourists who want to know how the wisdom that occurs in this penglipuran village.

According to the surrounding community, the word ‘penglipuran’ is taken from the word Pengeling Pura which has the meaning of a sacred place intended to commemorate the ancestors. Discussing the ancestors, it turns out that the people who live in this village are very high in mandate from their ancestors. Evident from the formation of village penglipuran very priority to this harmony. The most striking feature of this village is that the traditional architecture of the village has on average an exact same architecture from the village end to the other.

This uniqueness makes the village of penglipuran very beautiful with a very neat symmetry arranged between 1 house with other house. The gates in each house facing each other are only limited by the small main road in the middle. The gate is called Angkul-angkul (typical Balinese gate) which also has the same architecture as the angkul-angkul of every house in this village. The main road in the village of penglipuran leads to the main part of the village which is at the highest peak.

To enter the area of ​​Penglipuran Village, we are not allowed to use cars or motorcycles. The vehicle should be parked in a large parking area and not far from penglipuran village tourist area. To be able to enter this village, we just pay a Idr 15K  only and we can see how beautiful harmony that is intertwined between families in this village .

First we enter the area of ​​this village, you will be served a very cool and fresh atmosphere, it is because this area is 700 meters above sea level. In addition, the village is cool due to the absence of pollution caused by motor vehicles in the village of Penglipuran. The whole area of ​​the village is about 112 hectares, not too tired if you walk through this village on foot while enjoying the beauty around the Penglipuran Village.

Around the village entrance gate there is an area called catus pata which is an area consisting of village hall, community facilities, and green open spaces in the form of a beautiful park

In the vicinity of the village’s main road, we will not find scattered rubbish littering this place despite the many trees that grow around the road. Quite the contrary, the streets are very clean. So if we intend to dump garbage in this area, think a thousand times to do it. In addition in every corner of this village there will be a lot of garbage provided to accommodate garbage.

If we want to travel to this village, it’s good to  travel near the galungan holiday or after the galungan holiday. Galungan holiday is a big Hindu religious holiday in Bali which is commemorated every 210 days (should be check again?). When that day, we will see penjor (Hindu Means in the form of long bamboo trees with their ends adorned and plugged in front of the yard of the house) that adorn every house in this village. There will be bali girls dressed in Balinese customs who carry banten/ offering to the temple.

The physical arrangement of this village has been handed down from generation to generation by their ancestors, the community in Penglipuran village always holds the Balinese philosophy which is called ‘Tri Hitakarana’ philosophy. This philosophy teaches us to always harmonize the relationship between human and  neighbors, human with environment and human with God.#

Simple Reminder for Myself

If somebody doesn’t do what we want
it doesn’t mean we can judge his/ her attitude

If others are not the same as us
It does not mean he/ she is wrong
It does not mean we are more righteous

If we do something
Do it for ourselves to avoid disapppointment

Do not force others to understand
But try to be the one who understands

Differences are beautiful
Even it is not easy to appreciate the differences
Respect of difference is the key to be harmony.#.
